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9500 Gilman Dr. CMME, Room 2071 University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093


(+1) 8582839577



  • Postdoc Epigenetics, 2023-Now, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, United States. Advisor: Bing Ren.
  • Postdoc Neuroscience, 2022-2023, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, United States. Advisor: Xiang-Dong Fu.
  • Ph.D. Genetics, 2015-2021, Central South University, Changsha, China. Advisor: Chunyu Liu.
  • M.S. Biology, 2012-2015, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China. Advisor: Zhongsheng Sun.
    • Visiting Student, 2013-2015, Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Advisor: Zhongsheng Sun.
  • B.S. Biological Science, 2008-2012, Sichuan Agriculture University, Yaan, China.

Research Interests

Bioinformatics, genomics, epigenetics, psychiatric genetics.


(* corresponding author; §: equal contribution)


  1. Zu, S.§, Li, Y. E.§, Wang, K.§, Armand, E. J., Mamde, S., Amaral, M. L., … & Ren, B.* (2023). Single-cell analysis of chromatin accessibility in the adult mouse brain. Nature, 624(7991), 378-389.
  2. Wang, K., Dai, R., Xia, Y., Tian J., Jiao, C., Mikhailova T., Zhang C., Chen, C.* & Liu, C.* Spatiotemporal specificity of correlated DNA methylation and gene expression pairs across different human tissues and stages of brain development. Epigenetics, 2021 Oct 21;1-18.
  3. Wang, K.§, Li, X.§, Dong, S., Liang, J., Mao, F., Zeng, C., …, Cai, W*. & Sun, Z. S.* (2015). Q-RRBS: a quantitative reduced representation bisulfite sequencing method for single-cell methylome analyses. Epigenetics, 10(9), 775-783.
  4. Meng, Q., Wang, K., Brunetti, T., Xia, Y., Jiao, C., Dai, R., …, Chen, C.* & Liu, C.* (2018). The DGCR5 long noncoding RNA may regulate expression of several schizophrenia-related genes. Science translational medicine, 10(472), eaat6912.
  5. Xia, Y., Dai, R., Wang, K., Jiao, C., Zhang, C., Xu, Y., …, Chen, C.* & Liu, C.* (2019). Sex-differential DNA methylation and associated regulation networks in human brain implicated in the sex-biased risks of psychiatric disorders. Molecular psychiatry, 1.


  6. Li, Z.*, Li, D., He, Y., Wang, K., Ma, X., & Chen, X. (2022). Cross-disorder analysis of shared genetic components between cortical structures and major psychiatric disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(5), 1145-1154.
  7. Zou, Y., He, W., Wang, K., Han, H., Xiao, T., Chen, X., … & Zhang, Z.* (2018). Identification of rare RTN3 variants in Alzheimer’s disease in Han Chinese. Human genetics, 137(2), 141-150.
  8. Jiao, C., Yan, P., Xia, C., Shen, Z., Tan, Z., Tan, Y., Wang, K., …, Liu, C.* & Chen, C.* (2018). BrainEXP: a database featuring with spatiotemporal expression variations and co-expression organizations in human brains. Bioinformatics, 35(1), 172-174.
  9. Jiao, C., Zhang, C., Dai, R., Xia, Y., Wang, K., Giase, G., … Chen, C.* & Liu, C.* (2018). Positional effects revealed in Illumina methylation array and the impact on analysis. Epigenomics, 10(5), 643-659.
  10. Liu, C.*, Jiao, C., Wang, K., Yuan, N. (2018). DNA Methylation and Psychiatric Disorders. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 157: 175-232.
  11. Wang, J.§, Luo, Y.§, Wang, K., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Teng, H.*, & Sun, Z.* (2015). Clock-controlled StAR’s expression and corticosterone production contribute to the endotoxemia immune response. Chronobiology international, 32(3), 358-367.
  12. Li, Z.§, Wang, Y.§, Sun, K. K.§, Wang, K., Sun, Z. S.*, Zhao, M.*, & Wang, J.* (2015). Sex-related difference in food-anticipatory activity of mice. Hormones and behavior, 70, 38-46.
  13. Meng Q*, Wang L, Dai R, …, Wang, K., Liu, C.*, Chen, C.* (2020) Integrative analyses prioritize GNL3 as a risk gene for bipolar disorder. Molecular psychiatry, 25(11): 2672-84.
  14. Dong, S., Tian, Q., Zhu, T., Wang, K., Lei, G., Liu, Y., … & Hu, Z.* (2021). SLC39A5 dysfunction impairs extracellular matrix synthesis in high myopia pathogenesis. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.

Talks and lectures

  • Various relationships between DNA methylation and gene expression in different tissues and ages. The 4th Summit on Chinese Psychiatric Genetics, Xi’an, Shaanxi. Oral presentation. May 9, 2017.
  • Various relationships between DNA methylation and gene expression in different tissues and ages. XXVth World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Orlando, Florida. Oral presentation. Oct 16, 2017.
  • Various relationships between DNA methylation and gene expression in different tissues and ages. The American Society of Human Genetics 2017, Orlando, Florida. Poster presentation. Oct 18, 2017.

Honors and Awards

  • Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science Travel Award, 2017

Know me more

Written on February 6, 2024